About the Author

Ilana Tolpin Levitt, M.A., M.Ed. is a clinical career counselor with over 25 years  of experience in private practice in New York City and Central New Jersey. She is the 2013  recipient of the Outstanding Career Practitioner Award from the National Career Development  Association. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and with a strong background in  Organizational Psychology and Human Resources, Ilana’s focus with many clients is a deep  exploration of the psychological roots that impact career development and workplace  dysfunction. Many of her clients struggle with internal barriers that  interfere with their success. For over a decade, Ilana ran mother-­daughter relationship  workshops with her mother who was a psychoanalyst. What's Mom Still Got to Do With It?  integrates her extensive knowledge and experience about mother-­daughter relationships with her expertise in career development.   

Looking for a Writer?

Certified by the National Career Development Association as a Certified Career Counselor (CCC).

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llana Tolpin Levitt, M.A., M.Ed.

llana Tolpin Levitt, M.A., M.Ed.